Monday, March 09, 2009
This is not to offence anyone, just for understanding.

Many of us spend alot of money every year hoping to have better future.

Why astrologists are not able solve or rectify all the problem when they can predict the future ?
Prediction does not means actual.
Why does bad things happen when they predict, but good things rarely happen, why ?
It's simple, because nobody bothers to focus on good things, all we are worried about is the
bad things which has been said.
As you always remind yourself about the bad things. Your mind starts
to develop what you think everyday and this will take shape and will actually happen.
What you think is what will happen, maybe not now but later it will sure happen.

Let me give you a simple example.
When you buy a car, the first thing you worry is to prevent the car from any accident,

meaning you are worried you will have accident and you will be extra careful,
bring to temple do all the prayers for the safety of your car,
but one fine day a joker will come and kiss your car.
Very simple the thoughts in your mind has taken shape.
So let me ask you does your mind has the power to determine your future.
If yes you are at the correct path, you determine your future, you determine your happiness,

you determine your health in short you determine your life.
Nothing else and nobody could determine your life.
So don't blame your luck, location, time, colour, DOB, name for your failure. It's you to be blamed.

Why Numerologist share the same fate as astrologists ?

Why fortune teller are not so fortunate to create a great deal of fortune for them ?

What is the best time for us ?

Is colour important to determine our luck ?

All this are only guide but the actual power to determine the future is within your mind & hands.

Your happiness remains in your own hands and nobody to be blamed if you are not happy.
Search for happiness within yourself, you will always have a happy ending.

You vs Astrologist vs Numerologistvs fortune teller and the winner is "You"

posted by JEI @ JEIZONE at 10:31 |