Tuesday, September 04, 2007
My Last Goodbye

Talk to me
Like I am the only person in the world that will hear you
Talk to me like I am the only person that will understand
Tell me you dreams your nightmares your thoughts
Tell me how much you love me.

Hold my hand
Like I am more than just a friend
Like you’ll be able to hold me back
And lead me when I am lost
Hold my hand like we are going on one last journey
And never coming back

Hug me
Like you never going to hug any one again
Like they do on the films,
When they’re really in love
Hug me like I am the last, your only and true love
And then never let me go

Touch me
Like I am a sculpture waited to be moulded
A body waiting to be felt
Feel the softness of my skin
The sweet dampness of my sweat

Kiss me
Like you have never kisses before
Like you’re pouring out your heart in one kiss
Kiss me like you mean to love me
Kiss me like death.
Kiss me so the breaths sweeps out of me
And I am knocked backwards off my feet,
Kiss me so that all that I regret is gone
And all that is left is you.
posted by JEI @ JEIZONE at 03:54 |