Tuesday, September 04, 2007
My love will no longer

Before I knew I loved him,
before I even cared,
before I felt so lonely,
before he wasn't there.
I took it all for granted,
the love he had for me,
I never knew I loved him,
until he ceased to be.
My one,my love, my all
will no longer exist.
I lost him,he's no more,
The only thing that's left,
is his deteriorating soul.
i made him feel like nothing,
I made him feel like shit,
this heart is oh so broken,
my own grave i have digged.
With his death my soul has parted,
no more reson to exist.
Without him I am nothing,
in my death I will be missed...
posted by JEI @ JEIZONE at 03:48 |